We are taking new patients now. Please follow online registration, add medical History and book and payment system below. Our availability for new NHS patients is for Dental Therapist treatments. If you want you can also be added to our waiting list. If you are a new patient please use register button below for online booking and fill medical history with us.
If you are existing patient please use Book and Appointment bottom below and fill medical history with us. We have also Private patient availability for all treatment types and new patients. If you prefer to call, you can also call our reception team on 01205 400 000 for any appointment.
Please note we still have long queues for some NHS Dentist treatments like NHS root canal and NHS Denture and less queues for Private Dentist. If you would like to book NHS Therapist appointment please call our reception team on 01205 400 000.
Please complete the form below with your queries and we will respond to your as soon as possible. Please Do Not Send Appointment Cancellations via Enquiry Submission.
Out of normal working hours please use contact form below and we will contact you.
We are open every day apart from Sunday at the following times:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday : 8 am to 5 pm
Tuesday: 8 am to 6 pm
Thursday: 8 am to 7 pm
Saturdays: 10 am – 4 pm