• Prevention: regular appointments give the dental team the opportunity to anticipate any problems and make sure the patient is doing their best to maintain his/her dental health.
• Minimal intervention: coming in regularly enables the dentist to catch any problems while they are still small and avoid major treatment.
• New advances: dentistry is advancing at a great speed – there may be new innovations since the last visit that could benefit the patient.
• Feelgood factor: it feels good to know one’s teeth are healthy.
• Cosmetic effect: regular dental/hygiene appointments keep teeth clean and polished, particularly for those patients who have difficulty keeping their own teeth clean.
• Value for money: patients on dental health insurance schemes get better value for money if they attend regularly, as well as avoiding problems, which saves money and time for the dentist too.
• How often: It is now widely recognised that patients have different needs and may need to see the dentist at different intervals. Everyone, whether they have any natural teeth of their own or not, should see a dentist at least once a year.
You are now able to book appointments online